Thursday, November 5, 2009


Well, it took me a while to get back to this. And I still haven’t gotten all of the windows done, but I wanted to show the process.

HKwindows 001

This is one of the smaller windows in the Slide Out. A little tricky because of the overhead cabinet.

HKwindows 002

The valances are attached at the top with “L” brackets. These are offset which is good. I wasn’t sure at first if they had been put on before the cabinet or not. The bottom is attached to the walls directly with screws through the fabric.

HKwindows 003

Once the Valance is removed, then I had to remove the night shade. Actually, I just removed the screws at the top and left the bottom strings attached to the wall.

HKwindows 004

Here is the window without the dressing.

HKwindows 005

Here is the plastic film over the window before it was secured to the wall. On the other windows that I had done, I tried to stick the film to the metal frames, but the tape ended up pulling loose. So for this one, I decided to stick it to the wall. I hope that doesn’t turn out to be a big mistake.

HKwindows 006

A look at the plastic after it has been put in place.

HKwindows 007

Now, when you put this type of film up, following the directions they provide, you use a hair dryer to shrink it. The manufacturer had stick and brick homes in mind, and it didn’t really occur to me that the windows in the RV get very hot just like a car would.

So I believe that shrinking the plastic with the hair dryer is one step that should be skipped if you are doing this. Taping the film to the wall was no better than sticking it to the metal frame, because it has pulled loose also.

I have held off on doing the last few windows because we are still getting days that are warm enough to open them up and enjoy a breeze. But when I do them, I will skip the shrinking step and let the sun do it for me.

Until the next time…